Thank you for your letters. Always remember, that we cannot answer correspondence that does not contain a self addressed stamped envelope.
Due to the overwhelming demand for membership in the church we have not yet been able to personally attend to all inquiries. If you have requested membership information and have not received a response, please be patient. We are continually screening applicants and you will be contacted. Your letters are important to us and you will be receiving membership information soon.
High Priestess Karla LaVey
& those of us at the F.S.C. wish you
a most Joyous and Wicked April 30th.
Walpurgisnacht !!
“The Gambler”
27″ by 30″
Acrylic and Mixed Media
& those of us at the F.S.C. wish you
a most Joyous and Wicked April 30th.
Walpurgisnacht !!

27″ by 30″
Acrylic and Mixed Media
Karla LaVey’s 9 – 9 – 99 Exhibition of 27 works.
27 art works by Karla LaVey were displayed at a San Francisco SOMA district art gallery opening 9-9-99.